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Alan dunsmore

Chief Executive Officer

We are proud to announce we have achieved our interim target to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions by 25% from our 2018 baseline and we are now in the process of having our near-term and long-term targets verified as part of the SBTi, ensuring we maintain our focus on reducing our carbon emissions."

As the UK's market leader in the design, fabrication and construction of structural steel we recognise that we play a vital role in creating spaces and infrastructure that help communities to thrive and must do so in a way that limits our impact on the environment, through reducing carbon emissions and the use of finite resources.

This year we have seen the launch of the Government's new Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and an increasing recognition that decarbonisation of the steel industry will play an important role in helping to reach the Government's target to achieve Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions in the UK by 2050.

We have surpassed our interim target to reduce our scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 25 per cent by 2025 (against a 2018 baseline) during 2023.

As a next step, we will be submitting near-term and long-term carbon emissions targets for approval in 2024, aligning our commitments to the Science-Based Target Initiative ('SBTi'). We will disclose progress against these targets on an annual basis through our annual report and our Carbon Disclosure Project ('CDP') reporting, ensuring that we maintain the momentum we have achieved since setting our original targets.

As a SteelZero signatory, we made the commitment to procure 100 per cent low carbon steel by 2050, demonstrating the importance of transitioning to low embodied carbon steel production in the construction sector. In 2023, we also joined the SteelZero policy taskforce, collaborating with the Climate Group and other members on the most effective approach to capturing and reporting data for the SteelZero framework. For the third year running, the Group was included in the Financial Times ('FT') listing of Europe's climate leaders which showcases corporate progress in fighting climate change.

In 2023, we appointed Michaela Lindridge as Head of ESG. This is a new senior role that has been created to oversee our ESG strategy, including our climate change commitments, our approach to biodiversity and nature and our social value responsibilities. Michaela will help support our internal departments, suppliers, and clients as we continue to progress our ESG agenda.

As a business, ESG continues to be at the forefront of our strategic decision making and as a result of decisions made in recent years, the Group remains well-positioned to assist in accelerating the journey to Net Zero through meeting our own sustainability targets and supporting our clients to build the green infrastructure of tomorrow.

Alan Dunsmore

Chief Executive Officer

14 June 2023